This is BetterShaders

A lens into a new era of Roblox graphics

Why BetterShaders?

This is what makes BetterShaders different

Great mod Compatibility

Better Shaders aims to make the best Shader packs for Roblox.

Modern Design

BetterShaders has been built from the ground up to be extensible and easy to update. Say goodbye to weeks of waiting to use shaders on the new Roblox version!

free and Open Source

BetterShaders is an open source mod that anyone can contribute to. This allows BetterShaders to improve by facilitating collaboration.

The BetterShaders Advantage

New rendering techniques that put you ahead of the game

Performance-Optimized Shadows

BetterShaders uses a technique called Shadow Frustum Culling to decrease the overhead of one of the biggest performance hogs of a shader - the shadows. Using BetterShaders's shadow frustum culling, you'll be able to reach higher frame rates without sacrificing the quality of volumetric lighting or shadows.
Screenshot by phxi

Vibrant Colors

HDR aims to give you a unique image by reviving Roblox's colors and water effects. Be alone with completely vibrant Roblox graphics! This does not cause any performance loss as it changes color.
Screenshot by phxi

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